Join our Formula SAE and MotoStudent teams for hands-on learning and testing

The ‘learning by doing‘ approach to training is the very foundation of MUNER.

The idea that theory and practice have their place, and complement each other, as the basis for all-round learning is one that we strongly believe in.

This is why, among the various activities we offer our students, Formula SAE and Moto Student are our flagships.

Each of MUNER’s partner universities has one or more racing teams in which our students participate in large numbers and with enthusiasm. In a spirit of healthy competition and unity, our teams work all year round to achieve more and more each year.

If you are one of our students and would like to know more, visit our official team pages and join the team!

See you on the track!

Formula SAE

Formula SAE is an international university engineering design competition, originally proposed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), that involves the design and construction of a racing car that is judged in a series of tests based on its design qualities and engineering efficiency.

Founded in 1981 with the aim of giving university students the opportunity to put into practice what they have learnt during their studies in a competition that is as attractive and interesting as possible, the competition has spread all over the world, with several annual events organised directly by SAE or by the various national associations of automotive engineers and technicians.


MotoStudent, promoted by the Moto Engineering Foundation and TechnoPark Motorland, is a biennial competition between students from universities all over the world, in which these students design, build and develop a competition motorcycle prototype over the course of one and a half years.

Finally, these prototypes compete in an event held at MotorLand Aragón, the official MotoGP circuit located in Alcañiz, Spain

Universities from more than 20 countries have participated in some editions of the competition since its inception.

Muner University in collaboration with