Augmented Reality ©Vection

Since 2019, MUNER has partnered with Vection Technologies, a growing company that helps businesses leverage their 3D data through powerful Extended Reality (XR) interfaces that drive collaboration, learning, revenue growth and more.

Together, we created a ‘Learning by Doing and Interactive Innovation’ demo where participants wear state-of-the-art augmented reality visors and are guided by MUNER engineers and students in a virtual space where they can live three different experiences:

1) assemble a Formula SAE hybrid or electric vehicle

2) verify the power flows generated by the propulsion systems

3) visualise and experience sound maps as if in an anechoic chamber.


Following a launch at Expo Dubai 2020, the project has been showcased at subsequent events:


Project Objectives

  • To develop Augmented Reality content to support education and innovation in the automotive and sustainable mobility sector.
  • To create and test new methodologies that can be used by professors to support teaching, thanks to existing three-dimensional models that can be visualised in augmented reality.



  • Increased training efficiency
  • Greater immersion and engagement
  • Reduced learning time

New opportunities for the education and training of the future

Muner University in collaboration with